StairMedia takes a further step in basketball, stunning also at the
ACB Final Playoff
After successfully premiering at the Spanish Basketball Cup Final, StairMedia duplicated that accomplishment at another main hoops event. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the ACB (Spanish Basketball Clubs Association) had to change the usual format of the national League’s Final Playoff, a best-of-5 series.
The ACB set up a 12 contender Final Playoff played at a single site, the Pabellón Fuente de San Luis in Valencia.
StairMedia again not only marketed the brands on the stairs of the sports hall through its revolutionary dynamic advertising system on LED mounts but also gave colour to an event staged behind closed doors with no fans in order to prevent further spread of Covid-19 as requested by the Spanish government.
For StairMedia the ACB gave a clear sign of satisfaction after the partnership premiere at Málaga’s Martín Carpena Sport Palace by also putting forward the agreement for the League Final Playoff four months later.
After the successful first experience at both the Cup final in Málaga and the ACB Final Playoff in Valencia StairMedia is ready for more action. Both StairMedia and the ACB aim for a wider cooperation, with the Catalan company having a presence throughout the next regular season and at all the official ACB venues.