Stairmedia sucessfully premieres at the
Spanish Basketball Club

The revolutionary dynamic advertising system patented worldwide by StairMedia premiered at the Spanish Basketball Cup Final 2020, that took place at the Martín Carpena Sports Palace in Málaga from February 13th to 16th.

StairMedia partnered with the ACB (Spanish Basketball Clubs Association) for a successful baptism at one of the most attractive hoops events. The stairs at the Martín Carpena Sports Palace stands mirrored advertisements through the innovative system created by the Barcelona based company, offering maximum image resolution on LED mounts while being specially designed to fit any sports venue steps.

These LEDs have shock robustness, rain fastness and outdoor durability. With its extra thin LEDs mount StairMedia managed to preserve the Martín Carpena stairs’ geometry and caught the attention of both the TV viewers and the spectators.

The LEDs mount was accompanied by a hardware also registered by the Catalan company and that takes charge of distributing the advertising and creativity along the steps, creating one single image on each vertical section of the stairs.

The interconnected LEDs banner system customized the creativities for each brand.

During the Spanish Basketball Cup StairMedia’s system was not only used to project brands advertisements but also contributed to enrichen the show with special images created by the LEDs themselves during warm-up, matches or timeouts.

Help in the event of an emergency

Though fortunately there was no need during the Copa del Rey tournament, StairMedia’s integral system app also is helpful in emergency situations, beyond its advertising and show enriching utilities. As the software is connected to the security control centre it can display the correct exit routes in the event of an evacuation.